Monday, September 27, 2010

Minds are Semantic Engines


(a) Minds are intentional machines or semantic engines.
(b) Intentional machines or semantic engines detect and create meaning.
(c) Meaning detection and creation involve the sequestering and integration of internal and external cognitive resources. 
(d) Internal cognitive resources are part of the structure of the intentional machine that detects and creates meaning.
(e) External cognitive resources often play the same or similar functional roles in the detection and creation of meaning as do internal cognitive resources, or complement, compensate for, or enhance those roles.
(f) External cognitive resources, like internal cognitive resources, are part of the structure of the intentional machine that detects and creates meaning.
(g) The extended mind thesis is true.
While Wilson takes this to be a new argument, and by some measures it surely is, one can see where the challenge will arise.  (e) is going to be challenged just as were claims that Inga and Otto are in all important respects alike.

* I got this from a web site: Relevance Feedback for Semantic Search, by Harry Halpin.  Very cool.

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