Monday, March 14, 2011

SSPP 2011

The SSPP this past weekend in New Orleans was fun, though my nursing a cold the whole time put a damper on things.  The meds were making me a little slower than usual.

Tom Polger gave what was probably the best SSPP Presidential address I've ever seen.  Philosophically interesting, but laced with humor and a good pace.  Reminded me that I have written on stuff besides extended cognition.

In my session on Ecological Psychology, I was impressed with the uniformity of message.  Shockley and Riley had much the same talking points as Andrew and Gary.  It was reassuring to me to find Gary Hatfield, Larry Shapiro, Carl Gillett, and Tom Polger worried about the same sorts of things that I was.  So, it's not just me.

Last year, many (it seemed to me, though that's just an off-the-cuff guess ... I didn't actually count) of the papers that were given at the SSPP were subsequently also given at the SPP. 

I'm already looking forward to next year in Savannah.  I'm especially looking forward to it, since I'll be free of the officer duties that I've had for so many years.


  1. Are the papers going into a special issue of anything, or published in any form?

  2. I don't think so. I liked Shockley's talk, though I disagreed with it. Very clear with excellent ppt.
